Thursday, October 19, 2017

What I’m Watching: The Flash

The Flash: Season 4, Episode 2 “Mixed Signals” (B+)

Last season, we saw how Alchemy gave a whole bunch of people powers that they had in other multiverse, and now there’s someone operating from the future or somewhere else doing something similar. This episode was a pretty classic case of a powered individual going after the people he believed ruined his life because they took credit for his idea and then made lots of money off of it, and he got rid of them in pretty brutal ways, starting with a violent elevator drop. Sheila was unapologetic and extremely rude when he confronted her, but it was Tim who was tormented after Barry was able to run quickly and break apart his car so that he was just on a seat with a steering wheel. There were a lot of funny moments in between the serious ones in this hour related to getting the team back together, and I for one am thrilled that Caitlin has returned, even if she has some issues controlling the Killer Frost within her. Cisco thought of all these technological improvements to the suit, most of which are absurd and wholly unnecessary, and they managed to backfire tremendously when the suit got hacked by Kilgore. The sumo flotation mode was the most ridiculous. Breaking down the situation with “Silicon Valley” comparisons was great, and there’s a certain joy I get from imagining that the characters I watch on TV also watch the same TV shows I do. Iris bringing Barry to couples’ therapy was a lighter dramatic development, and it’s good that he realizes that he’s not behaving the way he should after his long absence. I enjoyed the romantic moments between Cisco and Gypsy, who revealed her softer side by talking about “1-1-1 Day” and using the word “shmoopy.” That couple never seemed like they would last, but now, they’re looking strong.

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