Wednesday, October 18, 2017

What I’m Watching: Good Behavior (Season Premiere)

Good Behavior: Season 2, Episode 1 “The Heart Attack is the Best Way” (B+)

I’m so glad this show is back – it was one of my favorites last year and I didn’t think that we’d get to experience a second season. This opener was superb, showing this family unit trying to establish a new identity in a place where they sort of could fit in fine if they were really able to give up their old ways of life. We’ve never seen quite this much of Jacob, and I like the way that he interacts with his mother, pushing back on her quick acceptance of home schooling as a natural choice and advocating for being able to choose his own fake name. There’s no competing with Letty’s ability to completely control any situation with lies quickly concocted on her feet, starting with googling Georgia law when the cop told her that Jacob couldn’t be alone and highlighted by her magnificent Gwyneth Paltrow recipe thievery narrative. I’m intrigued by Apple and her mother Carin, and I hope we’ll see more of them in the future. I’m beyond thrilled that Ann Dowd is still around as Rhonda, even though that’s bad news for Javier and Letty, and I enjoyed her movie conversation with Rob, who she thought was Estelle’s son. Letty’s relationship with Christian continues to be fantastic, and I liked his response to her answering the phone with “Hi.” After Javier nearly got killed by another hitman and then brought his body home, he’s in rough shape, reeling from the loss of Silk and from a sense of being in control of his life. This is sure to be a great season.

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