Thursday, October 26, 2017

What I’m Watching: Good Behavior

Good Behavior: Season 2, Episode 2 “I Want You to Leave a Person Alive for Once” (B+)

I continue to value this show for its uniquely plot-driven nature, where the events are truly what guide the plot and compel the characters to do what they do. It is certainly hypocritical that Javier believes that he should be able to kill someone to get them the money needed for Jacob’s school - a big get considering how the receptionist who eagerly scheduled Jacob’s interview told someone over the phone mere moments earlier that there were absolutely no spots - but Letty wasn’t allowed to try her own illegal ways to come up with that sum. He does have a point that she’ll go to jail if she gets caught and lose Jacob forever, but he’s already being hunted by the FBI and he was seen by Carin’s daughter with Bryce as he jumped to his death. This was not a good situation at all since first Letty showed up and then Carin with the kids, and the only saving grace is that, aside from a witness not likely to be believed, and even less likely to speak up, he ended his life on his own with no visible foul play. It’s unfortunate that all this happened and involved Letty in a way that sent her back to a substance she really shouldn’t be touching. Jacob’s immediate defense of Javier was very logic-based, and I’m so curious about what comes next now that he told Javier and Letty what he was told. The introduction of Teo was extremely interesting to Ava’s daughters, and I wonder whether his connection to Javier is one that he still finds positive.

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