Tuesday, October 3, 2017

What I’m Watching: Transparent

Transparent: Season 4, Episode 2 “Groin Anomaly” (B+)

I for one am glad that Cherry Jones’ Leslie is no longer a featured player on this show since I never much liked her, but it seems that her legacy won’t soon be forgotten, as her first published piece in the New Yorker is a blunt, cruel poem directly referencing Ali by name and comparing her unfavorably to utensils. It’s no wonder she would want to escape her life at the moment, and she’s going to have quite the experience in Israel with Maura. I know that going through security to travel to Israel is an experience because there’s a special layer of questioning involved, but I guess that eating pot gummies and being trans make the whole thing considerably more intense. Ali had her phone out right away and Maura wasn’t even that upset, but the handling of the situation by the relatively friendly TSA agents, considering how they could have acted, is hardly the best way for the big trip to begin. Josh is being haunted by visions of Rita when he’s at the support group meeting and bothered by his mother at home – I think he needs some introspection and some new people in his life. I’m eager to see Shelly as the newest member of the Upright Citizens Brigade, which is sure to be awkward if it happens. Sarah didn’t waste much time being taken with Lila after the meeting, and though they did enjoy a flirtation at Lila’s home, I think Sarah has sufficiently dived much deeper into it than her would-be sexual partner, who gets replaced by a perfectly willing Len instead.

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