Sunday, October 8, 2017

What I’m Watching: You’re the Worst

You’re the Worst: Season 4, Episode 5 “There’s Always a Back Door” (B+)

Colin Ferguson is proving to be a fantastic addition to this show, first spitting on Neal’s windshield and taunting him when his ex-wife, played by an also terrific Anne Dudek from “House” and “The Flash,” stopped by without much warning and then going head-to-head with Gretchen when lashed out at him for not being married. I’m hoping that the many cigarettes she smoked on the sidewalk will encourage her to stick this out and not just convince him, since he’s a superb character that this show should really keep. Gretchen did have the situation completely wrong, and my hope is that she understands just how good a fit Boone is for her since he’s capable of being the terrible person she wants him to be but also can be nice and caring to those he likes, such as his daughter and her. Lindsay’s decision to be herself at work because Work Lindsay sucked was a poor one in so many ways since her offensive behavior just got her shut out of the after-work event she would have loved to be invited to, and it’s just a shame we didn’t get to see her boss experience this behavior. Jimmy may be a jerk, but he’s much more perceptive than he lets on, and as a result he was completely aware of Edgar’s efforts to get closer to him as a friend which he completely rejected. Edgar and Lindsay don’t realize that they’re the people that they need for each other, but I don’t think there’s any part of this show that’s really about catharsis. Lindsay is still trying to help Jimmy get Gretchen back, but we know that, even if he does, he’s still going to do something imbecilic down the road that’s going to screw things up again in a way that goes beyond making a simple mistake. This latest appearance by Vernon and Paul wasn’t that great, and my favorite line of the episode was “Pass the sweet salt” from the show’s indisputably dumbest character, Lindsay.

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