Sunday, November 26, 2017

Round Two: There’s Johnny

There’s Johnny: Season 1, Episode 2 “Dog Day Afternoon” (B+)

In its second episode, I’m pleased to report that this show is a light-hearted, fun bit of nostalgia. Andy is a decent guy, and even though his response to Joy telling him that seems to contradict that remark, he really means well and just has stars in his eyes. He got two tough assignments in this episode and nearly failed them both, but somehow, everything worked out. Waking up in someone else’s bed could have gone a whole lot worse, and now he has a new friend, Rasheed, who he enlisted to help him find the dog and then got to stop by the Tonight Show and almost get an acknowledgment of his existence from Joy. Who would have thought that bringing the wrong dog and then feeding him before putting him on camera to eat food would have resulted in the opportunity for a joke that Johnny loved to make? The tie-in with Albert Brooks and hearing him assure Joy over the phone that he would be an easy guest worked well, and I’m confident that format will be effective. Tony Danza’s Freddie is charismatic enough to take all of the attention, and the contents of his confidential file have now been seen by the wrong person, which is sure to lead to interesting consequences. Jane Levy continues to be the standout in the cast as Joy, and I enjoyed all the scenes featuring her in this episode. It’s great to see her get a role that fits her talents well after “Suburgatory.”

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