Saturday, November 25, 2017

What I’m Watching: The Flash

The Flash: Season 4, Episode 7 “Therefore I Am” (B+)

This was an extremely informative episode that explained how the man in the wheelchair who opened the door for Barry and Joe at the end of last week’s episode is the same person we’ve been seeing all season looking a whole lot less human and much more villainously omniscient. Devoe being a professor who was tired of being ignored and underappreciated and, with the help of his loyal wife Marlize, decided to create a device that could amplify his intelligence makes some sense, and naturally some version of Harrison Wells played into his evil rise to power. Devoe knows so much because of his extraordinary intellect, and therefore he’s able to review with Barry the many threats that he’s faced in the past like Zoom and Savitar to show how he’s going to be much, much worse. The fact that he knows about Eobard Thawne means that he shouldn’t associate Barry with the real Wells’ crimes, and therefore it’s hard to know just what he has against a do-gooder meta like the Flash. Devoe has managed thus far to convince the police that Barry is crazy, and I’m not sure why it was so easy for him to convince Team Flash that he was telling the truth. All this talk of Barry and Iris getting married in just one week feels a lot like last season with Iris’ impending demise, and I do like that Iris tried to reassure Barry by saying that they were the Flash. Let’s hope they make it and are somehow able to defeat this superintelligent nemesis they’ve acquired.

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