Friday, November 10, 2017

What I’m Watching: The Gifted

The Gifted: Season 1, Episode 6 “got your siX” (B)

I keep asking myself where all this is headed and whether this show is going to get to a point where its characters aren’t on the run with the law in hot pursuit. That doesn’t seem likely anytime soon, with Jace intensifying the hunt and disregarding protocol due to his anger about having his daughter’s death erased from his memory. Polaris is now training the young mutants on how to use their powers as they run into enormous capacity problems with other safe havens being raided, and hopefully this army will be able to do good rather than just learn to hate the humans trying to capture and kill them. As usual, this show’s greatest asset is the awesome nature of its mutants’ powers, with new addition Wes having a cool ability to make others think that they are seeing something that they’re not which came in very handy when they had to help the huge truck make a big getaway. Andy’s powers are strong but not nearly as finessed, and therefore he’d be the natural choice to break down an impenetrable wall. It also helped him and Reed to bond, though that relationship still isn’t all that warm. We still don’t know much about Garret Dillahunt’s Dr. Campbell, and now that he’s able to exercise some influence over Jace, his motivations are likely to become much clearer and surely be revealed to be sinister. Whether Jace will be able to resist since he actually just wants to be a good person is going to be the real question.

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