Thursday, November 30, 2017

What I’m Watching: Good Behavior

Good Behavior: Season 2, Episode 7 “Don’t Thank God, Thank Me” (B)

I wasn’t as fond of this episode as I have been of most of this season, and I think that’s because this show is stronger when its two protagonists are together rather than apart, just as they both are. Letty giving custody of Jacob back to Estelle was the only reassuring development of this whole hour since it means that he’ll be safe from the self-destruction that she’s inflicting upon herself. Carin was rightfully upset that Letty just up and disappeared, and only someone who’s used to moving around a lot and assuming other lives wouldn’t even blink at the idea that someone else was living in her home. Going out to party together wasn’t a great idea, and it got very crazy when the police showed up to raid it and Carin vomited the drugs out in front of a cop. Letty’s latest story about a celebrity – this time using Julianne Moore’s Oscar-winning role in “Still Alice” to elicit sympathy – managed to work thanks to her addition of the expensive watch, but she let her guard down in a big way, opening up to Carin about everything and telling her the full truth. I don’t think that will be a mistake, but going to procure more drugs definitely. That’s a twist Christian won’t want to include in his book. Javier took out a lot of his rage on Teo, who was apparently working for his father, and after he told Ava, she was ready to let him suffer and rot. The news that his father and brother are both dead isn’t good for anyone, and it’s hard to know what’s going to come next for either of our main characters.

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