Friday, November 3, 2017

What I’m Watching: Supergirl

Supergirl: Season 3, Episode 4 “The Faithful” (B)

I’m not sure we’ve seen an episode of this show like this, with an ominous organization presenting itself but not seeming like a threat at the beginning. Flashing back to the formative event that launched Supergirl as a household name in the pilot proved effective since it showed just how transformative her heroic actions can be, and apparently they have a more profound effect on some than on others. We haven’t heard much about the sun god Rao on this show, and I’m not familiar enough with Superman mythology to recognize it, but seeing Kara wade back into her religion was interesting, especially when Hank stopped by to see his father, who is still immersed in his practices. The fact that the leader of this Supergirl/Rao cult knows who Kara is and is still alive and well in a prison is disconcerting, and I imagine he poses a greater threat than they seem to think. We also still don’t know exactly what’s going on with Samantha, but what we have seen is not good. She became very chummy with Kara and Alex in a short span of time after barely appearing at work, and seeing her daughter excel in her performance was enough to make Alex realize that her relationship is in serious trouble. Maggie is a strong addition to the show, and I hope that they’ll find a way to work through this issue and get to a place where they can both feel comfortable about what their family looks like.

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