Wednesday, November 29, 2017

What I’m Watching: The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead: Season 8, Episode 6 “The King, the Widow, and Rick” (C+)

This episode’s title is strange to me since I guess it’s meant to indicate some sort of unity since this episode featured three main characters all in separate, unconnected places, but this show is still so disjointed and all over the place that I’m not buying that it’s actually headed somewhere. I read recently that this show could go on forever, and I believe it, since things have been going round and round for so long now that it’s hard to see any sort of direction in the near future. I had forgotten how much I hate the Yoda-speak women, and now they have Rick boarded up, which he doesn’t seem to mind at all. Maggie is making big decisions and heeding Gregory’s advice much more than he realized, bringing the prisoners in and kicking him out. Carol is giving Ezekiel her latest pep talk, and I’m wondering now if I liked Carol more when she was obsessed with finding Sophia way back in season two. Tara and Michonne survived some ominous whistling and a near-getaway thanks to Darryl’s good timing, and Carl saved some guy in the woods that his father would have let die. There are so many threads extending from what feels like just as many centers, and the pacing of each of these episodes is just so glacial. Firing a torpedo to obliterate a person can only liven up the show so much, and with only two episodes left until this show goes on its hiatus, I don’t imagine we’ll get anywhere interesting.

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