Saturday, November 11, 2017

What I’m Watching: You’re the Worst

You’re the Worst: Season 4, Episode 10 “From the Beginning, I Was Screwed” (B+)

Jimmy is not a particularly nice person, but it’s still not fun to see him get beat up on in such in a miserable way. Lindsay was trying to do something positive by offering to be the wardrobe consultant for the game show host, but in doing so she inadvertently tipped him off to the way that Jimmy made fun of him, prompting him to be especially cruel. When Vernon woke up to shout Jimmy’s pre-prepared heckle, one of his fellow contestants pounced even on him being dead and no one caring before he had a chance to chime in and be self-deprecating. Gretchen’s inappropriate country pitch was a worrisome sign, but then she brought it all back together and even got a hug from Olivia. Of course, she went right from that sweet moment to making out with Jimmy in a bar, something she couldn’t even attribute to a blackout. I always forget that she knows Ben Folds, and it’s not an easy task to make Sam and his colleague whose name I won’t write out here look put together. I don’t know much about the real-life musician aside from some of his songs, but it is a very funny self-mockery regardless. There’s nothing quite like the intensity with which Edgar talks about the many disturbing things he experienced during his time in the military, and though Sam was ready to listen to all of it, it seems to have turned him off enough for them to stop working together, which leaves Edgar once again friendless and craving Jimmy’s attention.

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