Thursday, December 14, 2017

What I’m Watching: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Season 3, Episode 7 “Getting Over Jeff.” (B-)

I’ll admit - I watched this episode almost a week ago and didn’t get a chance to write my review until now, so my memory of it isn’t all that clear. I know that it wasn’t my favorite hour, mainly because it took two of our main characters away from home for a visit to Paula’s dad. Being away from her normal surroundings might have been good for Rebecca, and she also noticed that drinking wasn’t actually a trigger for her the way a lot of other things are. Paula ran into her own Josh Chan, whose name was pretty similar to Josh’s, and she had to process that this was just an escape from the regular life that, according to her family, she finds ways to distract herself from with other obsessions on an almost constant basis. Leave it to a precocious child like Madison to be more mature than the adults and help Darryl finally break up with White Josh, a lamentable development that hopefully won’t leave them both in a rut and maybe won’t even be permanent. Josh getting a job as a bartender spoke to his skill and his general ability to do little and make it seem like he’s doing a lot, and that bubble burst in an unfortunate way when his pimple popped right into the drink of the woman he was trying to woo. That was far from his best moment, and he’s going to need to seriously work on his game and improving his self-awareness, something that’s never been his strong suit.

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