Monday, December 18, 2017

What I’m Watching: Good Behavior

Good Behavior: Season 2, Episode 9 “And I Am a Violent Criminal” (B+)

Well, last week’s disconcerting ending was quickly rectified at the start of this hour, but after everything, she’s almost in worse shape with two dead bodies lying on the floor of her empty house and girl scouts knocking at her door. Christian tried to be helpful by bringing her to Estelle’s before he realized that she couldn’t be around Jacob like that, and he knew better than to bring her anywhere near Rhonda. Being reunited with Javier was the right move, and their conversations immediately brought back some of this show’s familiar banter. Asking Javier why he was friends with Teo if he was crazy elicited a humorous retort – “Why am I friends with you?” – and both she and the girl scouts thought he was crazy to buy anything but Thin Mints, as always, Javier continues to swear by the heart attack. After he went to the diner to meet Teo, Letty was able to handle the situation all by herself by staying focused on Teo’s cannibal story and get to her gun first. Unfortunately, the timing of the security tech guy just walking in – a questionable practice given that a knock should have happened first – means that she’s in way over her head with the guy’s van parked outside. Focusing a bit on Jacob’s life with Estelle and Rob proved very insightful, as Estelle had a heart-to-heart with her grandson about how he was lying like his mother about Rob’s mower. Letty was right that Jacob isn’t the same as her, and it’s interesting to see how he develops with his unique life experience. I’m excited for a surely great finale and sincerely hope that season three will be ordered soon.

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