Sunday, December 10, 2017

What I’m Watching: Legends of Tomorrow

Legends of Tomorrow: Season 3, Episode 9 “Beebo the God of War” (B+)

Score another point for holiday episodes for the CW, with this one starting with Stein in an ugly Hanukkah sweater in 1992 trying to purchase a popular toy for his daughter and then ending up in the Viking age with Beebo perceived as a god. I love that the name for Christmas changing was a sign of how they were doing in terms of fixing the anachronism. Only on this show could this kind of thing work, and I’m pleased to say that it really did. I like when multiple scenarios are pursued, and it was very helpful to see how the legends worked together to make sure that their plan could actually work. Mick and Leo taking out his daughter was an unexpected development, and that was enough to get Dahrk to abandon his plan of New Valhalla domination, but Sara came face to face with a far more formidable threat that I still don’t quite understand. I don’t know much about Constantine, but I guess that he’s going to be involved in whatever comes when this show returns. I loved having Leo around playing therapist to everyone on the ship and trying to get Mick to stop drinking, and though it appears Wentworth Miller will indeed be leaving this show’s expanded universe for good, I’d love to see him return again in the future. I wasn’t expecting Jax to leave, though him still being alive suggests he could be back, though Marty failing to read the “Back to the Future” letter Jax gave him means that he’s gone for good. I like that Agent Sharpe is becoming a more cooperative recurring player, and I’m eager to see her relationship with Sara develop more in the future. Here’s to more of this great show in 2018 when it returns in February for nine straight episodes!

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