Tuesday, December 12, 2017

What I’m Watching: Life in Pieces

Life in Pieces: Season 3, Episode 6 “Waffle Permission Kidless Boyfriend” (B)

My parents have a great story about an unopened wedding present that I was reminded of when I watched the first segment of this episode. My mom wrote a thank you note for a popcorn maker in which she went into detail about how they had enjoyed making popcorn and watching movies only to open the box ten years later and discover that it was housing a very nice bowl. Returning all the wedding gifts from the registry for cash did seem like a smart idea, but putting a wad of cash in a gift ordered off a registry is decidedly stupid. I was surprised that Joan wasn’t more offended that they had returned a gift they had chosen, but John buying two of them and putting the cash in the wrong box definitely took the cake. Heather wanting to be Tyler’s friend was a fun diversion, especially when they both got their hair straightened, and it only took a very sexually explicit movie about an uncomfortable mother-son dynamic to make them realize that they needed to spend less time together. Naturally, Greg and Jen’s escape from parenthood didn’t go as planned, and accidentally abducting a child certainly wasn’t the outcome Jen had expected from the getaway. For a middle child, Samantha was the subject of an unusual amount of attention in this episode, and she managed to keep Tim on the hook just long enough to leave her alone so that she could do what he was so worried about with her boyfriend.

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