Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What I’m Watching: Mindhunter (Season Finale)

Mindhunter: Season 1, Episode 10 (B+)

I wasn’t sure what the focus of this finale would be, and I think that its two main plotlines in this episode were equally compelling. Holden once again used very coarse, brutal language to get his latest interviewee talking, and, after they set up the room together, it was clear that the other law enforcement officials in the room weren’t comfortable with his line of questioning, itself just as disturbing as the content of what they were hearing from a man discussing fourteen as the age of consent in Georgie. Bill and Holden did go in together to really get them when they had started to convince him he was guilty, but those moments are much rarer these days. Holden and Wendy flying down to speak to the judge after the article got picked up didn’t go well, and it’s clear that they’ve gone past the point of hiding their research and using it only for analytical purposes. Holden being completely honest with the Office of Professional Responsibility made sense as an offensive tactic, but he really is on thin ice. Getting a call that he was Ed’s proxy seemed to show him that he had crossed a line, and when he told Holden that he could kill him before anyone showed up and then had him in his grip, he sent Holden running down the hallway and spinning out both physically and mentally. Holden’s home life is also out of control, as he didn’t even grasp that Debbie asked if he wanted her to shut up and adore him was an angry remark about the unacceptable nature of their relationship. The final scene shows that we’re far from done with all this, and I think season two should be intriguing. I haven’t always loved this show, but I think it is worthwhile and plan to return for more when it comes back.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Jonathan Groff and Holt McCallany as Holden and Bill

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