Tuesday, December 19, 2017

What I’m Watching: Mr. Robot (Season Finale)

Mr. Robot: Season 3, Episode 10 “shutdown –r” (B+)

I certainly couldn’t have predicted that things would end this way, but I was pleasantly surprised to see all of our characters together in two distinct places as everyone was made aware of what was going on, even if some of it really wasn’t pleasant. As expected, Dom finally caught on to the fact that Santiago hadn’t reported that they brought Darlene in, and he was bold enough to knock her out after telling her that she shouldn’t be scared since there were security cameras watching them. Irving made quite the impression on her when he told her to look at the sky and then hacked Santiago apart with an axe while mentioning specific members of her family who she should want to keep safe. She saved some particularly harsh words for Darlene, who wanted to bond with her after they both survived this thanks to a change of heart from Whiterose and a skilled action from Leon. Philip revealing to Angela that he was her father burst her bubble and made her realize that she’s been wrong all along, and now she’s reached an irreversible point. The best part of this episode was Elliot and Mr. Robot realizing they could use each other, and the shot of Mr. Robot coming to sit on the subway seat right across from him was very powerful. I’m excited to see what they could do in season four, which was just announced. This has been another superb year of the show, with fantastic performances all around.

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Rami Malek and Bobby Cannavale

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