Thursday, December 14, 2017

What I’m Watching: The Punisher

The Punisher: Season 1, Episode 4 “Resupply” (B)

I didn’t find this episode to be as engaging only because I think that Frank’s central storyline is the one that’s most intriguing, and deviating largely from that to focus both on the police investigation and contractor operations didn’t appeal to me as much. Watching Frank and David work together is interesting since they still don’t see eye-to-eye, and what that meant in this episode is that, after a pretty intense car chase, Frank had no intention of harming Dinah, and David crashing into her got him very angry since he was hoping to tiptoe on the line of legality and ensure that innocent people didn’t die. Anyone who’s guilty, on the other hand, is fair game, and therefore Frank was willing to admit that he took out a few henchmen when David seemed disappointed in him. Let’s hope that Frank’s life-saving gesture can convince Dinah that he’s not a bad person and that she should be looking into the boss that he confessed to killing. I don’t know why we’re spending time with Lewis, who so far hasn’t proved to be a very magnetic character, but I’m sure that Anvil will end up playing much more into this, especially if they’re eventually tasked with taking a former operative who went rogue. Frank isn’t exactly great at staying under the radar, though I’d argue that he’s never tried to do that aside from the obviously intelligent steps like not vomiting and leaving DNA behind at a crime scene for the police or anyone worse to find.

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