Monday, December 18, 2017

What I’m Watching: Search Party

Search Party: Season 2, Episodes 7 and 8 “Denial” and “Hysteria” (B+)

This show truly is unique, and these two episodes were illustrative of just how unlike any other it really is. Drew and Dory were brought back together by the fact that Drew had to share the threatening note he received with her, and then they needed to clean off the word “murderer” written on the door. It almost doesn’t even matter who knows what they did or if they’re just grasping at straws based on pieces of conversations that they’ve overheard since their paranoia rules their lives and dictates most of what they do anyway. Joy interviewing them made for a mesmerizing scene since Dory was unusually focused and somehow managed to be unsuspicious, covering her tracks every time Joy brought something up that seemed to poke a hole in her story. Drew, on the other hand, was a complete disaster, constantly tripping over himself and rightfully setting off Joy’s radar. I was surprised that Crystal sought Joy out to confirm the Fat Frankie story that Dory had made up, so it’s possible that they might just be able to get away with this if they don’t make it any worse for themselves. Elliot’s therapy seemed like it might be doing good things for him, but apparently what he took away most was that he hates working and never wanted to do it another day of his life, something that I don’t think is going to work out all that well for him. Portia’s debut performance was good but quite the head trip, and her non-relationship with Elijah is definitely messing with her the same way. Julian’s article about playing the victim did not go over well at work, and his candidate’s response was particularly unexpected. I have no idea how things will play out in the final two episodes, and I hope that we’ll get another of this very bizarre but appealing series.

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