Sunday, December 17, 2017

What I’m Watching: Shameless

Shameless: Season 8, Episode 6 “Icarus Fell and Rusty Ate Him” (B+)

This dynamic between Fiona and Ian is predictably tense, and having Fiona experience a crisis of identity at the same time has given her a certain resolve to make a difference. What they’re not agreeing on is what kind of difference to make, since Fiona doesn’t want to be forgotten and have her dead body cleaned out by an uncaring relative who won’t even bother to save a photo of her. Maybe I was wrong and Fiona isn’t going to hook up with Nessa after all, but I guess there’s still time. His new Kentucky identity can’t help Kev with his jealousy about how Svetlana does a better job giving Veronica pleasure than he does, and his efforts to be defiantly gay were extremely entertaining – and equally unsuccessful. His inability to comprehend the notion of domination by having Veronica determine what he would make her do was unsurprising. I knew Frank’s new lease on life might expire at some point, but I think the bubble burst earlier than expected thanks to the closing of his store, and my biggest takeaway was the tone-deafness of an organization that won’t bother to cancel an employee-of-the-month photo shoot taking place the same day as that employee, and all the other employees, were being let go. I wonder if the countdown clock at the bottom of the screen means that Debs really is pregnant again, and something tells me that she’ll be able to, after some struggling, monetize the operation if she ends up with two babies. As Brad spirals out of control, it’s good to see Lip investing so heavily in trying to bring him back from the edge, holding on to that obsession to keep him from slipping back into alcoholism.

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