Saturday, December 30, 2017

What I’m Watching: Shameless

Shameless: Season 8, Episode 7 “Occupy Fiona” (B+)

Well, things between Ian and Fiona are definitely not great. Ian waking her up by pouring ice water on her every morning hardly seems kind or mature, and getting all of his kids to camp out in front of the church to chant angry slogans was an admittedly clever but devious move. Fiona has lost some sense of the person she used to be, offering pizza to all of the squatters and then paying them to move so that she could have their makeshift tents cleaned up and removed, though for her it’s less about living to get by than it is refusing to back down to get ahead on her own merits. While Fiona would like to think things are going to be okay, it doesn’t seem that Ian is going to get over it, even after Trevor decided to accept her offer of another building. Lip is going to bat for the two people who have helped get him through hard times in his life, and neither of them are helping themselves. Professor Youens being drunk on the stand was a particular low point, and hopefully his getting sent to jail will be a wake-up call to Lip to really get his life together. I think Carl would be great at making ransom videos, but it seems that he’s gotten much more than he bargained for with his new friend. Debs getting one last chance to keep her parking attendant provided her not with a great reference for the future but a hilarious use of her welding skills to get revenge on the arrogant doctor who felt compelled to rip the gate off its hinges in a fit of rage. Frank isn’t going to find legitimate work anytime soon, so what better way to get by than by being a coyote for those trying to get into Canada? And I loved that, after Kev failed miserably at being dominating, Veronica figured out that him complaining about things she did wrong was the sweet spot for her.

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