Wednesday, December 6, 2017

What I’m Watching: Stranger Things

Stranger Things: Season 2, Episode 6 “Chapter Six: The Spy” (B+)

I’ve said before that I love when characters that don’t often interact spend time together on shows, and this episode allowed for a good deal of that. Steve was a perfect ally for Dustin, and I like that he coached him on how to go after the girl of his dreams. I think it’s fair to say that Max believes what Lucas told her by this point, and they were definitely holding hands when things got very scary. Will being in such pain was hard to watch, but as Mike was quick to realize, he was acting as the spy and managed to create a pathway for the Demogorgons (if that’s what they are – I’m still not really sure) to come dangerously close to the top of the lab and within view of Hopper, who hates those monsters a lot but I can’t imagine actually understands them. We haven’t seen Eleven in a while, and I hope that she realizes that this is exactly the time to come out of hiding since no one’s looking for her given that they have much bigger fish to fry. It’s good to see that Dr. Owens is one of the good guys on the bad side, open to the idea of Will being helpful and not ready to sacrifice his life for the greater good. I don’t know how all this will play out with Nancy and Jonathan’s expose given to the truly crazy Murray Bauman, but he did succeed spectacularly on one front, which was convincing Nancy and Jonathan that they should get over their hangups and just express their feelings already.

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