Saturday, December 9, 2017

What I’m Watching: The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead: Season 8, Episode 7 “Time for After” (C+)

During this episode, I kept wondering to myself how many more episodes were left before this show went on its annual midseason hiatus. This season has been so aimless, and having an entire hour focused on Eugene, a character who doesn’t make much sense to me anymore, feels like a true waste, especially since Rick was able to use his calm, determined nature and overcome his many captors in the final scene in a way that doesn’t feel remotely believable. When Eugene first revealed that he wasn’t a scientist, that made him a very compelling character, someone who had done something dishonest but not violent to stay alive. But after he didn’t help Sasha enough and then has repeatedly failed to pick the right side, spending time instead cozying up to Negan, it’s hard to understand where he’s supposed to be in terms of his allegiances. I’m honestly lost about what side Dwight is on at this point, and he’s becoming such an unappealing character that I don’t care at all. I’m equally tired of Jadis and all of her people, and, however absurd it was, having Rick manage an impossible escape might mean that we’re finally rid of them. The way that I’m feeling about everyone on this show, especially the formerly intriguing Negan, I can’t imagine that anything about the midseason finale coming up this weekend is going to compel me to decide not to drop this show from my watchlist. I just don’t see the point anymore.

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