Friday, January 19, 2018

SAG Winner Predictions: Best Male Actor in a Comedy Series

The competition: Anthony Anderson’s proud patriarch (Black-ish), Aziz Ansari’s smooth talker (Master of None), Larry David’s major complainer (Curb Your Enthusiasm), Sean Hayes’ excitable neighbor (Will and Grace), William H. Macy’s depraved patriarch (Shameless), and Marc Maron’s wrestling producer (GLOW).

For your information: Anderson and Macy are the only nominees back from last year. Anderson is on his second bid. Macy, now on his fourth consecutive nomination, won in 2014 and 2016, in addition to a win for “Door to Door” and a few other TV and film bids. This is the first nomination for both Ansari and Maron. Hayes was nominated five time in a row starting in 2000, winning three times, and he also contended for TV movie “Martin and Lewis.” David was nominated in 2005 and 2009 for this role. Anderson, David, and Maron all contend as part of their ensembles. Ansari won the Golden Globe, but he was only up against two of the men in this category.

Who should win? I don’t regularly watch Anderson’s show and didn’t stay with Maron’s past the first episode. I like Hayes a lot, though Ansari would probably get my vote.

Who will win? I think three-time winner Hayes gets a fourth trophy, though the fact that he’s the only one here from his show makes me less confident. It could easily be Macy again too.

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