Tuesday, January 30, 2018

What I’m Watching: Divorce (Season Premiere)

Divorce: Season 2, Episode 1 “Night Moves” (B+)

I had almost forgotten about this show, which wasn’t the big hit that everyone was expecting it to be when it started last October and took a little over a full year off before returning to the HBO lineup with a comedy that I couldn’t get into, “Crashing.” I am happy to have this series, which took me a little time to warm up to, back, and this opening episode shows that we’re in for some interesting antics this season. Seeing just how eager to continue fighting for concessions Dean Winters’ Tony Silvercreek and J. Smith-Cameron’s Elaine Campbell were and just how exhausted and done with all of it Frances and Robert were demonstrates that their divorce process is now officially over, and it’s on to where they go from here. Naturally, Robert remains the hero to his children, who prefer their father and don’t want to spend time with their mother, whose efforts to be budget-conscious backfired immediately since her children thought she was depriving them. Robert shaving his mustache is a big deal because it turns him into less of a villain, and now he’s going to have to get used to his new living situation, which is far from ideal. As Dallas continues her illicit romance with Tony, it’s fun to see Diane and Nick struggling to adapt to a new way of being together, only speaking if they have something positive to say, turning their interactions into pretty much nothing but wordless sex. This should be a fun season full of decidedly dark humor.

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