Monday, January 15, 2018

What I’m Watching: Longmire

Longmire: Season 6, Episode 8 “Cowboy Bill” (B+)

This show really manages to invest in its characters, and this hour was mainly about Ferg, who, after being forced to take time off, couldn’t find his girlfriend and then became convinced that her ex was a bank robber he’d been hearing a lot about on the news. I kept thinking of the fantastic and underappreciated Best Picture nominee from last year, “Hell or High Water, every time a robbery was mentioned, and the final scene in which Walt just walked right in and talked Bob down so he could take the gun out of his hand didn’t disappoint. It does seem that Meg was angry enough never to forgive Archie, as it’s always strange to hear him called, for prying into her life and for accusing her of things in the process. After Walt worked with Nighthorse and got to surprise Shane with a meeting, that plotline was put on hold, theoretically to be dealt with in the final two episodes of this show. As soon as the FBI agent showed up and he was played by Raphael Sbarge, who I first remember encountering as a villain on “Prison Break,” I knew that things hadn’t been resolved so easily. Zach helped Cady to realize that she couldn’t even trust the people she thought didn’t hate her, and that she’s going to have to consider whether she’ll truly be able to keep working where she is in light of recent events that have made her a pariah in the community.

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