Wednesday, January 10, 2018

What I’m Watching: There’s Johnny (Season Finale)

There’s Johnny: Season 1, Episode 7 “The Anniversary Show” (B+)

It’s a bit lonely finishing a show when no one you know has watched it and anyone else in the world who has probably finished it two months ago when all seven episodes were released on Hulu. I have no idea what this show’s future holds since it could just as easily be renewed as it could be cancelled and entirely forgotten. Featuring the anniversary show with a surprisingly serious Johnny talking to a handful of comedian guests was appropriate since it helped to remind about just how long Johnny has been a fixture, and about how everyone who works for him, even those writers unlucky enough to be laid off just because someone needs to be fired each year, respects him and wants to be part of this universe. It was sweet that Andy, desperate for something to do and a reason to be there, found all of the archives and was able to catalog them, thereby assuring himself a place and a role for the foreseeable future. Joy also handled a problem with grace and ease, and while she should have been rewarded with a celebratory night, one that would have gone great for Andy too, instead she found her father shooting up in the bathroom, putting yet another dent in her fractured image of him. The sudden arrival of Andy’s brother also throws things for a loop. I’d be interested in seeing more of this show, which is light and fun, and I guess for now we (anyone else out there?) wait to see if it will ever return.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Jane Levy

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