Wednesday, February 28, 2018

What I’m Watching: iZombie (Season Premiere)

iZombie: Season 4, Episode 1 “Are You Ready for Some Zombies?” (B+)

I’m very excited to have this show back on television, because it makes me nervous every year when the CW renews almost its entire lineup and then waits to bring this show back until midseason. After the game-changing season three finale, we’re introduced to a whole new Seattle, and I’m very impressed with how everything is being done. The city being walled means that everyone within it is on a collision course, but fortunately Chase is putting methods into place, like the guillotine for zombies who scratch humans, to prevent chaos. Putting Major’s youth counseling experience to work was a great idea, though I don’t think he realized that he was recruiting new members of Chase’s army. I love that Liv is so readily identified as a zombie now and that Clive can explain that she sampled some of the victim’s brain so that she can get clues to his murder. Visions are happening and recognizable in public, but apparently they’re not admissible in court. I’m glad that this episode was still focused on Liv being affected by the brain she was eating, going full-on sports fanatic while Ravi hilariously practiced the nudist lifestyle of the supplier of his brain in front of anyone who happened to be around. While Blaine is behaving pretty well, his angry father is up to no good, taking apart that human preacher and preparing to set off an all-out war while everything else is going pretty much as smoothly as it could be elsewhere. I can’t wait to see where the new season of this “rom-com-zom-dram” takes us.

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