Saturday, February 17, 2018

What I’m Watching: Longmire (Penultimate Episode)

Longmire: Season 6, Episode 9 “Running Eagle Challenge” (B+)

It’s hard to believe there’s just one episode left on this show, and I’m glad that I saved these two for a bit later after getting through most of the season a month ago. This wasn’t a huge epic hour much like many that we’ve seen throughout the years and particularly earlier this season, but instead one that played out typically slowly and without much fanfare. We got a visit from Boston-based FBI Agent Vance, played by Jon Tenney from “The Closer,” who was more than happy to work with Walt to help track down Malachi and employ their clever plan to embed a cell phone in the heroin that they made sure to announce was being transferred on the radio. Another notable guest star, John Doman from “Person of Interest,” showed up as Vic’s father, who was ready to pack her up and bring her back to Philadelphia even though she had no intention of leaving. Having her learn how to ride a horse and how to canoe so that she could participate in Henry’s tribal triathlon was a bit random, but it seems to have helped her work through things, prompting her not to quit but to ask Walt for a raise, pledging her allegiance to the job but determined to be recognized for her efforts. Cady and Zach do make a good couple, and it was nice that Cady went to her father not to yell at him but to recommend that he hire the devoted would-be cop. Let’s hope for a memorable and fitting series finale next!

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