Sunday, March 18, 2018

What I’m Watching: iZombie

iZombie: Season 4, Episode 3 “Brainless in Seattle, Part 1” (B+)

This new reality means that the suspect pool is considerably more limited due to the already proven fact that those who committed or were victims of crimes had to be in Seattle before it was sectioned off from the rest of the country, but we also know that there are those trying to get in and out and others helping them to do it. Annie was nervous about coming in with her smuggler escort, who was very reassuring that he had done this before, but then she ended up dead because she could meet the man she had started dating online just a month earlier. Liv eating her brain promptly transformed her into a homeless romantic eager to narrate each month and prone to falling head over heels in love with each person she saw. Trying to seduce Allan during interrogation was very entertaining, and it was fun to see Ravi let her try to give him a makeover so that he could help Peyton chaperone her trip to the Scratching Post, where she met another guy before panicking that she had lost the number that he wrote on her arm. Using the sketch artist to draw Tim was hilarious, though they do have to focus more on Bruce, who apparently was not just a treacherous coyote but a serial killer. There’s also the matter of Dale’s apparent infidelity, which is going to have normal Liv off any brains hating her, and Don-E’s hardball with the brain supplier who Blaine used to get someone that he could turn human with the cure to feast on his brains and get the answers to track down Renegade that he needs.

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