Monday, March 26, 2018

What I’m Watching: Legends of Tomorrow

Legends of Tomorrow: Season 3, Episode 15 “Necromancing the Stone” (B-)

I read a bit of casting news for this show recently, which probably isn’t a spoiler given the recent direction of the plot and the fact that another episode of this show has already aired as I’m swiftly catching up on my television. Apparently, Wally West isn’t the only joining this show as a series regular, since Matt Ryan is also on board as Constantine. I’ve never been fond of this show’s demon-centric focus, which it fortunately got away from in season two after Savage was finally neutralized. The bigger problem is that he was the lead on his NBC show, and the rest of this cast is made up of supporting characters who don’t need to take the spotlight. For now, he was able to exorcise Mallus, but I feel like they should just get rid of that whole threat instead of keeping Mallus around, but he’s also joining the cast in season four, which hasn’t been officially announced yet and will hopefully be demon-free. Sara being possessed was not a pretty sight, but it was cool to see Mick embrace his dark side, which he can control, and use the totem to create fire to take her out. Everyone seeing visions of people that haunt them from their past was eerie, and the fact that Ava was trying not to insult her when she first saw her via video-conference was weird but funny. Ending the episode with Constantine playing Dungeons and Dragons with Gary was just strange, and I hope that we’ll get back to better things and more subplots next episode.

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