Thursday, April 26, 2018

What I’m Watching: Billions

Billions: Season 3, Episode 5 “Flaw in the Death Star” (B+)

It’s so interesting to hear Wendy share that, when they first met each other, Chuck and Axe actually got along. That idea is so inconceivable now, and Chuck going to visit Lonnie’s widower reminded me of when Chuck showed up to the funeral to offer his condolences to Axe way back in season one. Wendy really asserted herself in an unusually angry way when Dollar Bill and Ari started screaming at each other in front of everyone, and unfortunately the repair of that relationship didn’t go nearly as smoothly as Axe had hoped when he made Dollar Bill apologize publicly. I don’t think that there’s much Ari can do about it now, and he’s likely to leave Dollar Bill alone now that he knows exactly how Axe feels about him. The doctor figured very heavily in this episode, and it appears that he chose to side with Chuck and give him the slide while asking Axe for $200 million, a move that really didn’t seem like him. Bryan isn’t relenting at all in his pursuit of actual justice, and sharing with Kate that Boyd was no longer in prison led her to choose a clear side and go head-to-head with him, which is sure to make him angrier and more likely to keep pushing. Taylor initially did not seem into what Oscar was selling, but it was great to see them bond over their shared affinity for and knowledge of Death Star trivia. Taylor’s typically emotionless response to the notion of having sex was somewhat surprising, though it’s definitely a good thing to see them let off some steam and find an outlet that doesn’t involve work.

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