Monday, April 30, 2018

What I’m Watching: The Flash

The Flash: Season 4, Episode 19 “Fury Rogue” (B+)

With still a few episodes to go before the end of this season, we’re seeing more attempts by Marlize to connect with her husband now that he’s finally able to appear in his original form again, and he’s coldly refusing it all, determined for her not to think and to let him continue along with his beloved mission. His failure to consider Barry’s emotional state in the aftermath of Ralph’s death is going to be his undoing since he’ll similarly fail to see what Marlize wants and needs, and whether he’s the one who kills her and the subsequent loneliness makes him vulnerable or she betrays him, I think that’s what’s going to take him down. Any opportunity to see a version of Leonard Snart is welcome, and the Earth-X Leo is probably my favorite because he’s kindhearted and infinitely sweeter than every other Snart combined. I thought that Wentworth Miller was leaving the role behind but I’m glad that he opted to visit this TV universe again, as did Katie Cassidy from “Arrow” as the Nazi version of Black Siren. Apparently, Fallout is now exactly where DeVoe wanted him, and Team Flash needs a bit of a reboot to really figure out what can finally work to take down the nemesis that’s caused them the most pain and truly does seem undefeatable. Caitlin being able to access Killer Frost again and Cisco helping Harry back to a good mental place are helpful starts, but it’s still not apparent how they’re going to manage a win.

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