Wednesday, April 11, 2018

What I’m Watching: Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley: Season 5, Episode 3 “Chief Operating Officer” (B+)

If there’s one thing that Richard doesn’t really need, it’s a new friend. His relationships with the three people he spends time with are already unstable and unpredictable enough, and a person who’s just as awkward and antisocial as him is hardly going to make a proper companion. Ben was far more forthcoming with the conversation than his boss Dana, and his manipulation of the situation ended up pushing Richard to much more decisive and forceful in a positive way than usual, telling him that he hadn’t in fact offered him a job and that he didn’t want to work with someone like him. Jared could use a win after constantly working as a peacemaker between parties that don’t get along and sleeping on the couch while Richard slept in his bed, and his ability to come up with a solution that saved them and didn’t screw Gilfoyle over was fittingly rewarded with the offer of the COO job, one he essentially already does anyway. Gilfoyle taunting Dinesh has officially created some real problems, as Dinesh’s new roommate just happens to be Gavin’s mole. It would be great if Dinesh actually paid some attention to what was going on and didn’t go ahead and tell the person who’s the mole how excited he was that they had a mole. It was impressive to see a seemingly deranged Gilfoyle realize that the fridges were all bugged, a fact that, regardless of whether the recordings had ever been listened to, was enough to make the executives drop their suit and partner with Pied Piper instead. Let’s hope Gilfoyle realizes Dinesh’s stupidity and feeds him false information to prove that he’s the one leaking to the mole before too much more damage is done.

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