Saturday, April 28, 2018

What I’m Watching: Supergirl

Supergirl: Season 3, Episode 15 “In Search of Lost Time” (B)

I imagine that many watching this episode were reminded of the intense and memorable scene in “Logan” where Charles Xavier has a mental attack that causes catastrophic events to occur around him. M’yrnn’s deteriorating memory was only revealed in last week’s episode, and Hank being okay with it didn’t matter much since it clearly became such a destructive problem in a short period of time. Naturally, Mon-El was immune because of high-tech future technology, and therefore frustrating cape-training into something far more symbolic of rage for Kara, who is obviously having a tough time accepting the fact that he suddenly appeared back in her life but with no hint of their previous romantic connection. Winn also got to let out a bit of fury towards his coworker, and I loved his reaction to Pam from HR rushing at him angrily before he managed to subdue her and put her on blockers. Though she’s isolating herself from others, including loyal boyfriend James, Lena is absolutely doing the right thing when it comes to Sam, who wasn’t ready to hear that she was transforming into Reign. Recording a video of someone doing something impossible and showing it to them rarely fails, and now it’s just a question of whether Lena can actually help her combat what’s inside her and if the chamber she has her in can truly contain this otherworldly being. That may have to wait, because it seems that Pestilence has arrived just in time for two cape-wielders to try to mount a defense.

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