Sunday, May 6, 2018

What I’m Watching: Barry

Barry: Season 1, Episode 6 “Chapter Six: Listen with Your Ears, React with Your Face” (B+)

There’s a lot going on here right now, and it’s all about to collide for Barry. He doesn’t realize that Vacha is jealous and has been following him, realizing that he’s thinking about getting out of the game, and of course Vacha would disobey the orders given to him by Hank and Goran and show up looking for Barry at exactly the same time that Detective Moss was looking for Cousineau. She had given up on her theories about the acting class having something to do with Ryan’s death, and now her secret romance may be more public than it should have been, but she knows that there’s a clear link between Ryan’s death and the Chechens. It was tough for Barry, after he found and hid the money, to hear Sally say over and over again that she didn’t love him, throwing a wrench into his daydream fantasies of having kids who ask him who Fuches is in photographs. Sally’s on her own acting power trip, desperate to play Macbeth and unconcerned with anyone she has to stomp on in the process. Taylor’s suggestion that Barry kill Fuches because he wasn’t treating him fairly was never going to win over Barry’s longstanding relationship with his mentor and boss. Unfortunately, Taylor’s impulsiveness got the best of him and his entire team of commandos appears to have been taken out, solving one problem by giving Barry a much bigger one to solve.

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