Thursday, May 3, 2018

What I’m Watching: Brockmire (Season Premiere)

Brockmire: Season 2, Episode 1 “The Getaway Game” (B+)

I had almost forgotten all about this show, and it’s a nice treat to have it back so late in the season as most shows are already planning to wrap up. I only saw two names listed in the opening credits – Hank Azaria and Tyrel Jackson Williams – and I certainly hope that it was referencing just those who appeared in this opening episode since I would be extraordinarily disappointed if Amanda Peet’s Jules was no longer a main character on this show. Brockmire managed to live up to expectations as he failed to heed the warning given to him by Charles, which was to not get ahead of himself with this Atlanta opening. I immediately recognized Dreama Walker from “Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23” as the new head of publicity who wasn’t at all impressed with Brockmire’s stats and the fact that he was much less likeable than Raj, who seemed affable and clueless enough. Brockmire’s hatred for the mascot got the best of him as he hilariously took a metal baseball bat to him in front of everyone, and he one-upped that by inviting a kid with cancer that he had to convince to come see him and then going on an angry tirade about inappropriate empathy which got him suspended. Asking people to hold up their cocaine after wowing the crowd with a lengthy story was just the beginning, and now he has an old friend and bad influence to make sure that he stays off the straight path.

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