Friday, May 25, 2018

What I’m Watching: Brockmire

Brockmire: Season 2, Episode 4 “Retirement Ceremony” (B-)

After a brief, all-too-delayed shot of Jules at the end of the last episode, I had hoped that he wouldn’t immediately give up on trying to win her back and that she’d return to being a fully featured player on this show. Instead, we had an installment that was almost entirely Brockmire-focused, with Charles sitting out the funeral to experience what it’s like to be sitting next to a far more appreciative commentator. Brockmire’s “load bearing anecdotes” should come as no surprise since he’s all about delivery, and naturally he’d be capable of writing something heartfelt and sincere about Charles as long as he never had to tell him such nice things while he was still alive. Going home for his father’s funeral was an unwelcoming experience to say the least, with his first relative getting him to cough up $1000 because he didn’t know his name, which was in fact the same as his. I was pleased to see Becky Ann Baker from “Girls” as Brockmire’s sister, who had no kind words for him and didn’t appreciate his mockery of her new last name, Glasscock. Lucy’s reappearance felt relatively tame, and I would have loved to see actress Katie Finneran, who was much more memorable in season one, put to better use. We’re starting to get to the point where a formerly plot-driven show is becoming one that could be watched unsequentially, which doesn’t speak too well to the enduring power of its narrative.

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