Thursday, May 24, 2018

What I’m Watching: The Flash

The Flash: Season 4, Episode 22 “Think Fast” (B)

I appreciated the fact that, in the seemingly neverending quest to defeat DeVoe, we finally got a break (sort of) from losing battle strategies and got to witness an actual conversation about where Barry and DeVoe stand on the human race and their opposing viewpoints about what’s best for it. DeVoe got to be the grandstanding villain he’s always wanted to be, storming into the facility where Fallout was being kept and orchestrating chaos to take out every single guard who stood in his way. He’s free to maim or kill whoever he wants now that Marlize has abandoned him, yet she still believes that her departure only reinforces his worldview that the human race shouldn’t be burdened by things such as love. Caitlin made a major breakthrough, no thanks to Dr. Finkel, who apparently bills this group by the quarter-hour, about Killer Frost and the fact that, puzzlingly, she’s been a part of her since well before the particle accelerator explosion. I don’t know what that means, but it will probably help her to get her powers back and create some new questions to be answered. I’m a bit sick of this forgetful Harry, who is apparently the prototype of what DeVoe sees the new humans being like, but I did enjoy Cecile taking on an unexpected new power which found her hilariously taking on the personalities of those around her. The stoned pizza deliveryman was fun, but I preferred her take on Caitlin, which was very funny.

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