Thursday, May 3, 2018

What I’m Watching: Life in Pieces

Life in Pieces: Season 3, Episode 19 “House Destiny Introduction Retirement” (B)

I suppose there’s some value in flashing back in #tbt fashion to important moments in the lives of the four adult couples featured on this show. Jen definitely seemed much nicer in her segment with Greg as they pretended to be engaged so that they could win the new house they really wanted, and I liked that what went wrong wasn’t her or Greg doing something bad but rather her throwing out what she thought was a worthless ring when it was in fact a surprise romantic gesture on Greg’s part related to the proposal. Matt forcing Greg to go on a date with someone so that he could try to console Colleen while she was coping with her fiancé’s criminal activities was entertaining, and the best moment in that vignette was Jen showing up and demanding the wings, hardly seeming to notice that Greg was on a date with another woman. When Tim first met the family, Heather was considerably dopier than she is now, and while the two obviously see something in each other, she does behave in a considerably more mature and intelligent fashion most of the time. Her pregnancy reveal didn’t go as planned, but Tim knocked his response to the news out of the park, impressing all but John, or rather, Mr. Short. The patriarch of the family was the subject of the last and least memorable segments in this episode, not eager to retire and faking bad weather to delay it only to then opt to land when the weather truly was terrible. He hasn’t changed much since then.

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