Tuesday, May 29, 2018

What I’m Watching: You, Me, Her

You, Me, Her: Season 3, Episode 9 “Asshole, Other Asshole, and the Depressive Muppet” (B+)

Is it possible that this thruple could find its end not in a dramatic act of betrayal but rather in a relatively peaceful separation based on different needs of its members. After an angry exchange at the start of the episode, Kylie made her feelings known and also put a ticking clock on the consideration of a full-time move to Seattle. Izzy seemed to get over things better than expected, pouring Jack and Emma way too much orange juice before leaving for what turned out to be positive news from her advisor. For someone who hasn’t been able to focus on getting her work done, this job offer come as a stroke of fortune and one that seems too good for her to pass up. Giving Jack and Emma a free pass to go to Seattle and see whether it was a fit for them is probably the best solution for the moment, though I suspect it won’t be such an easy break. At least she has her dad, who may become a more permanent fixture in her life, to turn to while her best friend is busy juggling two guys. Shaun was awfully eager to play Nina’s game, much more so than Andy. It’s hard to have much sympathy towards Nina, who doesn’t really give either of them the time of day. It was great to see Dave decide to take the month off to stay home with the kids, catapulting Carmen into an unexpected leadership role for which she’s definitely not quite ready.

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