Tuesday, June 5, 2018

What I'm Watching: Jessica Jones (Season Finale)

Jessica Jones: Season 2, Episode 13 "AKA Playland" (B+)

There was no good way that this could end which would involve Alisa being alive. It was nice that, after Jessica expressed plenty of anger at her mother for kidnapping her, they got to work together to save the victims of a pretty horrific car crash. Jessica also realized in that moment how much her mother meant to her and was ready to go across the border with her rather than just make sure that her mother got away on her own. Alisa seemed to be at peace with the carnival being the place it all ended, and it probably was the best way it could have gone down. Trish shooting Alisa and instantly killing her was final but quick, and though Jessica won't be able to forgive her anytime soon, she saved Jessica's life and ensured her freedom by making it look like Jessica was the one who put her own mother down. Fast-forwarding to however long later, it's very interesting to see how things have turned out for our characters. Hogarth is on top, building a new empire and popping pills, and Malcolm made the right decision after she didn't hire him to ally with Pryce. It's strange that he and Jessica don't even speak when they pass each other in the hall, and Trish's attempt to restart the friendship didn't work either. The hint of Trish's powers was reminiscent of Whizzer at the start of the season, and I'm so curious to see what happens with her. Jessica is lonely and drinking again, but at least she maintained her relationship with Oscar and was able to describe how she truly was her own type of hero to an excited and admiring Vido. This season couldn't have been as great as season one but it did just fine, and I eagerly await its return for a third round.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Krysten Ritter as Jessica

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