Friday, July 20, 2018

What I’m Watching: Me, Myself, and I

Me, Myself, and I: Season 1, Episode 7 “Field Trip” (B)

I had completely forgotten about this show, which I found very entertaining and was saddened to hear had been pulled from the air after just six episodes way back in October. I was delighted to find out that the remaining seven episodes, which had already been filmed at the time of the show’s cancellation, were being made available on Saturday nights on CBS this month. At the time of this post, they’ve all already aired, but I’m going to take them one at a time so that I can enjoy the show as I wanted to before it was taken off the air in favor of far less quality programming. Not too much has changed and I didn’t really need a refresher course to remember that the Alex of the youngest and oldest generations is hopelessly in love with Nori/Eleanor. Justin’s efforts to help him take advantage of the field trip to appeal to Nori didn’t work terribly well, and the biggest problem of all, one that might explain why we’ve barely seen Justin of the future, is that Justin has now developed an attraction towards Nori and seems to be the most successful beneficiary of her return affection. Recognizing the EMT dad as the man who slept with his wife in his middle period was entertaining, especially because he turned out to be a nice guy who only got Alex riled up when he revealed that he was using cheat codes during their video game session. The online dating world of the future is a bit more hi-tech but not all that much more helpful, and Vanessa Williams is always a welcome guest star, especially in this case as she played someone he hated who only liked him more when she found out that he was pining for someone else.

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