Monday, August 27, 2018

What I’m Watching: Casual

Casual: Season 4, Episode 3 “Virtual Reality” (B+)

This show really is doing cool things with technology, exploring what the world of dating, its original concept based on Alex’s code, will look like a few years from now. Guest star Lindsay Burdge was completely captivating as the woman who seduced Alex in the sweetest way in this virtual reality room, which was so cleverly presented. Rita wasted no time in pointing out to the man who seemed uninterested in her that he had just answered a bunch of security questions so that she could rob him, and I like that on this show, it doesn’t mean he lost everything, just that he’s embarrassed and has to cancel his credit card and return his tuxedo. It’s interesting to think how that kind of thing would work, and I did wonder whether she would look different in real life or how that would end up panning out. Val really doesn’t have the first clue what direction she wants to go in with her wine store, but I like the casting of Timm Sharp from “Enlightened” and “The New Romantic” as the investor Laura knew who may end up both helping Val start her shop and date her. Laura’s romantic life is crashing and burning, and that montage of her former lovers was indeed moving. I’m curious where she’ll go next, and I assume the world of singledom calls. Leon getting lost in his headphones while editing his video isn’t a good sign, and I do hope that he and Leia are in good shape as he continues to express discontent with where his life is now.

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