Thursday, September 20, 2018

What I’m Watching: Insecure

Insecure: Season 3, Episode 6 “Ready-like” (B+)

I totally forgot to mention that Issa ran into Lawrence at the end of the last episode, and I couldn’t be happier about that since I’ve always found him to be much more interesting as a character than Daniel. This show’s use of montages is always excellent, and seeing what Lawrence has been up to as he hesitated to answer that question from Issa was both informative and entertaining. Calling the girl he didn’t sleep with to say that he had chlamydia was a low point, but then he had a really nice interaction with Issa at the baby shower from hell, with both of them agreeing that they were proud of the other for where they’ve gotten to in life. Molly did not have a similar experience with Dro, who she wouldn’t even let break the news to her that he’s expecting a baby with the wife who posed a definite problem for Molly when he was trying to push for a relationship between the two of them. For however positive Issa’s conversation with Lawrence may have been, Nathan is proving to be a puzzling – and very frustrating – figure, who had time to clear up the investigation Lyft had opened but couldn’t be bothered to return her text message. The lowest point of this episode was experienced by Kelly, who lost it after Tiffany’s prep crew refused to put out her cupcakes. The two of them really are fringe characters, but they’re very believable and layered even despite their minimal appearances. My favorite line was Molly suggesting that she should be able to be “Orthodox black.”

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