Tuesday, September 25, 2018

What I’m Watching: Insecure

Insecure: Season 3, Episode 7 “Obsessed-like” (B)

There’s just one episode left in this season, which is a real shame since I feel like it wouldn’t be a bad thing to have more than eight half-hour installments of this show every year. Fortunately, a fourth season renewal was already announced two weeks ago, so we’ll be able to come back and revisit these characters. If Issa is going to be talking to herself all episode, I wish that it would be in the mirror since it’s great to see her reactions and how she responds to her inner narrative in an external way. She did get pretty obsessed very quickly here, dragging Molly into a plot to sneak around Andrew’s house so that she could go through his drawers and then try to guess his computer password. Focusing so much on social media was a great way to show how toxic it can be, and Issa deciding to unfollow him and do her best to let go of her problematic connection to this guy who mysteriously ghosted her was a positive step. Focusing on her business plan is a good thing, and it was nice to see her reconnect in a positive way with Lawrence, who, despite meeting a nice girl at church, quickly realized that he just doesn’t connect to it in the way that those who find it meaningful do. Molly’s time with Andrew seemed to be going well at first because it was derailed, and their forced interaction at his house was infinitely worse. Working well with her number one competitor at work also seemed to be fine until she moved to undercut him in a way that she really should have realized would not be a productive development.

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