Wednesday, September 19, 2018

What I’m Watching: Lost in Space (Season Finale)

Lost in Space: Season 1, Episode 10 “Danger, Will Robinson” (B+)

It took me much longer than usual to get through this show, and that’s solely because of other commitments. This reboot has been really terrific, and this finale was appropriately satisfying. It was an expected relief to find out that John and Don did survive but were trapped up in space, and the setup of this episode worked well as Maureen tried to figure out a way to save them while Dr. Smith expressed just how little she cared about their survival. Locking her in the room with the robot was smart, but this show’s number one human villain knows how to figure her way out of a situation even if it’s with something besides brute force. Launching the tether again was a calculated move to ensure her own livelihood, and, for the moment, it seems to have worked. The presence of another robot helped our robot return to his protective state for Will, which made for an intense and cool moment. That he was able to recognize Will as a friend was a win, but it’s also a reminder that the robots are a threat, one that they may now face after being reunited but not with the Resolute. I was trying to figure out how this show would keep going if they made it to the space station, and stranding them somewhere far away from this hostile planet is a great way to start off season two, in which they’re actually lost in space and not on land. I’m pumped for it to return, and plan to watch it far more consistently next time!

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Molly Parker as June

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