Friday, October 12, 2018

What I’m Watching: Kidding

Kidding: Season 1, Episode 5 “The New You” (B)

This show, which earned itself a second season renewal earlier this week, continues to be a strange and very unique specimen. The scene in this half-hour which I found most compelling and indicative of what this show could be if it committed fully to its weirdness was when Vivian and Jeff were on a date and only their shoes were seen under the table. Another brief moment saw Jeff speaking to his own large head, the replacement of his essence which he had argued so vehemently against earlier in the episode. Describing the foreign versions of Mr. Pickles who couldn’t be mistaken for him because of the color of their ties was a simplistic way of putting a physical stamp on what makes him an individual rather than anything to do with his personality. The notion of Mr. Pickles on Ice with real-life Olympic skater Tara Lipinski guest-starring as herself was peculiar, but it’s hardly out of line with what we’ve come to expect on this show, especially as described in fiscal terms by Sebastian. Telling Deirdre that she’s never going to be a cast member was harsh, and at least Sebastian seems to value what his children want equally minimally. The producer is just as menacing in his role as grandfather, smoking with Will before telling him that he shouldn’t touch drugs anymore because of what it’s doing to his father. Jeff is definitely getting too attached to Vivian as his lone source of happiness since, as her credit card company doesn’t know, she’s not going to be around for all that long.

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