Monday, October 29, 2018

What I’m Watching: Luke Cage

Luke Cage: Season 2, Episode 3 “Wig Out” (B+)

You can never say that this show doesn’t have style. The way Luke walks in after knocking a door clean off and invites bullets being shot at him is unparalleled, though I did enjoy the look that Misty and Colleen gave each other before they cleaned up the bar. I liked that Luke just started to roll his eyes when people kept repeating this claim he never made that he’s faster than Usain Bolt, and he earned himself a nice knockout punch from the new Jamaican boss after taking out all of his goons. The best scene of this hour was the very open, honest argument between Luke and Claire which included lines like “I’m a black man with a hood, people have always been afraid of me.” She reacted very strongly to his punching a hole in the wall, and I think they’re in serious trouble as a couple, especially since she went to go see his father. Mariah’s daughter was not at all happy to be invoked as part of her mother’s event, and Shades is getting angrier and angrier about being cast aside when Mariah wants real family time. Misty continues to push and go where no one wants her to, and now she has Colleen back, on loan from “Iron Fist,” to show her that she shouldn’t feel sorry for herself and that she’s capable of plenty even if no one thinks she is. Refusing to step in to help her when she tried to use her missing arm was a good motivator, and luckily she didn’t sit the whole fight out.

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